Sunflowers – A Ray of Hope

It’s easy to do, you will see great tangible results, and it’s good for mental and physical health!

The gardeners at Garden by the Sea decided to celebrate sunflowers this year (2022). Lots of seed packets have already been given out to those who would like to participate in planting them all over Ocean Shores. Join us to make sunflowers grow everywhere!

Why sunflowers? Glad you asked! Sunflowers are amazing plants. The most outstanding fact about them is that they are easy to grow and that they – yes! – not only survive but actually thrive in our rough coastal climate. And, if you have been through a few seasons here in our little OS paradise you know thriving can at times take some work. For plants and people alike. In 2022 we celebrate the sunflower for its symbolism and meaning as it represents optimism, positivity, long life, and happiness. What better way to draw inspiration from them for the new year!

Let’s start with some instructions on how to plant the seeds for sunflower success:

  1. Sunflowers need full sun for 6-8 hours daily and need a place protected from the deer
  2. Plant seeds 6 inches apart in a shallow trench of 1-2 inches in late spring when the ground temperature is 60F and danger of frost is over. A simple meat thermometer will easily measure ground temperature
  3. Cover and keep watered until seeds start to sprout in about 7-10 days
  4. When the second set of leaves appear, thin plants to about 2 feet apart
  5. Watch them grow within about 80-120 days
  6. If you grow a new row of seeds every 2-3 weeks, you have blooming sunflowers all summer long until the first frost

Here are some fun facts about sunflowers: did you know that each plant consists of thousands of tiny flowers? Sunflowers may contain 1,000 – 2,000 seeds. They are native to North America, over 70 species exist, and the tallest sunflower ever recorded was over 30 feet tall! They track the sun but when there is no sun then they turn toward each other.

Then there are some facts that are scientific: sunflowers naturally decontaminate the soil. They can soak up hazardous materials such as uranium, lead, and arsenic. Sunflowers attract bees and are used in some areas for installing and managing beehives. But they are also able to self-pollinate to ensure their survival in case there are no bees for pollination in the area. Best of all, sunflowers are even used in the kitchen! Their oil is a great source of vitamin A and D. I remember from my childhood that my mother and grandmother always used to make a special potato salad but also regular dinner salads with sunflower oil. Sunflower seeds can be roasted and salted for a quick snack, or they can be added to salads for texture. Last, but certainly not least – sunflowers are such delightful plants to enjoy in our yards. Their seeds come in many varieties to suit your particular purpose regarding color and height.

Are you getting inspired and motivated to plant a few sunflower seeds yourself? Wonderful! However, if gardening is not quite your thing or if you are unable to plant seeds for other reasons just make sure to enjoy the sunflowers you may see on your walks.

Article by Sabine Price, Master Gardener, Garden by the Sea Member. First printed in the Ocean Observer on January 2022

Note: Free sunflower seeds will be available at Garden by the Sea beginning April 2, 2022, and also at the Ocean Shores Library while supplies last.