Square Foot Gardening
The Square Foot Gardening technique has been around since the 1980’s. It is a simple method to create a highly productive vegetable garden by marking out a grid of 1-foot square sections in a raised bed. Each section is planted with a different vegetable and managed separately depending on the size and nutritional needs of the plants. There is no wasted space, and the compactness of the bed makes it difficult for weeds to grow.
To decide if Square Foot Gardening is right for you, check out this Master Gardener article: https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2056/2018/10/Square-Foot-Gardening.pdf
Or watch the video of Suzann Benesch Stone, a Master Gardener intern and GBTS gardener, as she shares her first time Square Foot Garden experiences. [Click on the link below for the YouTube video]