Hard Work Repairs Rusting Fence in One Day

GBTS’s 12 year old fence was rusting apart and was not going to last another wet, windy, and salty winter.  Thanks to the community garden’s volunteers and gardeners donating their tools and time, the old fence came down and new wire fencing went up in just one morning!

Members of our garden community showed up at 9:00 am on a Saturday with wire cutters, staple pullers, hammers, and electric staple guns to get the fence repair project done.  It was a beautiful sunny and warm day, but everyone donned their face masks and honored current social distancing guidelines.  This was a project that couldn’t wait another season…many parts of the wire fencing had already disintegrated from rust and the rest of it was soon to follow the same fate.  Our gardeners appreciate the community garden for the protection it provides from the deer and other wildlife so being fence-less was not an option!

Crews quickly got down to business taking out the old wire while volunteers with electric staple guns put up the new fence.  Others were on hand in different parts of the garden for some painting, weeding and scrubbing.  By noon all work was done and cleaned up!  We are so proud of the workers and are very thankful for being in this community where people happily come together to lend a hand when needed.

>>> GBTS NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP … Want to learn more about gardening on the Washington coast? Sign up for our Garden by the Sea Newsletter by clicking https://gardenbytheseaoceanshores.org/newsletter-signup/  for coastal gardening tips.

>>> GBTS DONATE TODAY … Please consider donating to one of our fundraising efforts (rusty tool replacement, new fence, mushroom compost, etc.) by clicking https://gardenbytheseaoceanshores.org/fundraising-need-donate-to-specific-area/  or send your check to Garden by the Sea, PO Box 721, Ocean Shores, WA 98569.