Greenhouse Addition in 2013
A Greenhouse was installed in 2013!
Thank you to the Elk Head Tap Room and Nellie’s Kitchen and
all who supported this awesome project!
It can’t be done, It just can’t be done!
It seems like we’ve heard that over and over again but alas it can. We are entering our fourth growing season and with it all of the momentum of an inspired, committed community of partnerships. Sushila Ravard, Executive Director of the Garden by the Sea – A Community Garden has been on a quest to grow produce where our soil, high salinity content in the air, and wind prevents the growing of starts which have an effect on tomatoes, berry plants and a host of other plants. Her perseverance simply would not be deterred by a sub-standard greenhouse which would not stand up to the harsh coastal environment until she found Solar Gem Greenhouses. They produce a fiberglass greenhouse with a gelcoat coating that prevents it from fading. Not only will it be beautiful, but it will have a full 10 year warranty, come complete with automatic vent openers, planting beds and a work space. The workmanship is outstanding. We look forward to working with the gardeners in our greenhouse!