Please select your bed rental type/size from the list below

Select the “Add to Cart” button based on the 1) TYPE (new or existing) and 2) SIZE of the bed you are renting:

  1. New Bed Rental (top box) or Existing Bed Rental (bottom box),
  2. Size (4×4, 4×8, 4×10, or 2×8) of the bed you are renting within that box.

When you press “Add to Cart” you will be redirected to view your PayPal/Credit Card shopping cart.  If you are renting more than one bed type, you may return to this page by pushing the “continue shopping” button in the upper right of the PayPal shopping cart page.

When you have finished adding all items to your cart you can pay with your credit card via PayPal.

* The PayPal 3% transaction fee has been added to the cash price – (please pay in cash or check to avoid the PayPal service fee)

NEW – BED RENTAL (Bed rental plus cleaning deposit fees — FIRST TIME BED RENTALS)

--- 4'x8' Bed ------------ $51.50 - ($25 Raised Garden Plot fee + $25 Refundable Cleaning Deposit + $1.50 PayPal service fee)
--- 4'x4' or 2'x8' Bed --- $41.20 - ($25 Raised Garden Plot fee + $15 Refundable Cleaning Deposit + $1.20 PayPal service fee)
--- 4'x10' Bed ----------- $61.80 - ($30 Raised Garden Plot fee + $30 Refundable Cleaning Deposit + $1.80 PayPal service fee)

Press view cart to return to your shopping cart and pay

---------------- View Cart

EXISTING – BED RENTAL (You previously paid the cleaning deposit on this bed — RETURNING BED RENTERS)

--- 4'x8' or 4'x4' or 2'x8' Bed -- $25.75 - ($25 Raised Garden Plot fee + $0.75 PayPal service fee)
--- 4'x10' Bed -------------------- $30.90 - ($25 Raised Garden Plot fee + $0.90 PayPal service fee)

Press view cart to return to your shopping cart and pay

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