Fall Gardening Newsletter
The latest newsletter provides helpful hints on fall gardening and chores to get your yards/gardens in tip-top shape to ride out the colder weather. As well as show you how to build and use a cloche garden. The “hints” and” how-to” articles and “demonstration” videos in GBTS’ latest and past on-line newsletters will help make a big difference in your garden! Past topics cover issues such as:
- Cloche House Garden Plots
- Winter Chores in Your Ocean Shores Garden
- Fall Vegetables You Can Plant
- Companion Planting
- Deer Repellent Tips
- Easy Growing Crops
- Fall Bulbs
- Fertilizing Roses
- Growing Garlic
- Integrated Pest Management
- Tucking Your Roses in for the Winter
- Don’t Stop Fall Gardening … ADAPT!
- Perennials
- Pollinator Plants
- Pruning Roses
- Pruning Blueberries
- Square Foot Gardening
- Summer Veggie Planting
- When to Plant
To read the latest newsletter please complete the signup below:
Garden by the Sea Raised Plots:
If you are interested in joining like minded “dirty-handed” people consider a plot in Ocean Shores’ deer proof community garden. For more information, click here: Garden by the Sea Raised Plot Sign-Up .
For those not interested in a GBTS raised plot, we hope our quarterly gardening newsletters will help you make the most of your year-round home gardening efforts.