Community Garden Opening
The 2025 Garden by the Sea growing season opens on Saturday April 5th! Come join us to sign-up to rent a garden plot, or just tour the garden and shop for plants and other garden supplies. Everyone is welcome!
If you will be renting a plot: Please call or email us to make a reservation (425-255-4025 /
info@gardenbytheseaoceanshores.org). Garden beds are $25-$30/year, plus a refundable clean-up deposit.
Check our Plot Rental page: (https://gardenbytheseaoceanshores.org/plot-fees-regulations/) for current plot availability. Appointments will be made on a first come, first served basis.
Thank you and hope to see you “growing” in the garden soon!
You can also use the form below to send GBTS an email indicating your interest in a 2025 garden plot.
1 Comment
Patti Mitchell
I’ll be moving to Ocean Shores mid April. I have a lot to learn reguarding planning my new landscaping and garden. We have biannual Garden Give and Take events here in California. Gardeners thinning out their gardens bring extra to share and teach each other about the various plants.
Do you have such an event in Ocean Shores?