Calling All Gardeners
Spring is springing. Our ocean plants are pushing up through the cold, wet soil that winter has left us. Bit by bit the days are getting longer. With the sun rising before 7am now, we have just over 12 hours of daylight. Temperatures are warming by fits and starts. Although weather scientists define spring as beginning on March 1st (and ending on May 31st ) the actual astronomical beginning of spring is the Vernal Equinox, which this year is March 20th at 6:43pm. On that evening as soon as it gets dark, remember to go outside, and check out the Full Moon. This will be the first time in 40 years that the Full Worm Moon (the traditional name of the full moon in March) will occur on the first day of spring.
As Robin Williams said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, Let us have a Party! So, it’s a good time to celebrate.” Garden by The Sea (GBTS), our community garden is getting ready to do just that: celebrate spring and the coming of a new growing season. Come visit the garden and gather tips on growing vegetables and flowers, coping with weeds and pests, gardening chemical free and other info, all specific to our tricky maritime climate. Or just come and celebrate spring!
GBTS was started to help Ocean Shores gardeners understand our cool, wet climate and to learn how to grow in our poor soil, salt air, high winds and of course our deer. Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties maintain beds in the Garden to demonstrate how various produce and pollinator flower species perform here. GBTS promotes organic gardening and offers informational events on growing spectacular produce and flowers without chemicals.
Smaller beds are reserved for children to provide opportunities for local and visiting children to try their hand at new skills. The Garden also sponsors events designed to give young gardeners a chance to experience something new about plants, bugs, planting, weeding, digging, watering, and getting productively dirty.
According to its mission statement “Garden by The Sea is dedicated to the development of community relationships through people growing garden fresh foods while addressing hunger.” The Ocean Shores’ Food Bank in conjunction with the GBTS maintains several plots in the garden, which provide fresh, organic produce to clients.
If your own yard does not provide the best growing conditions, consider renting a space for a season or two. Costs are $25 per each bed per season, along with a refundable $25 cleanup fee. The garden is entirely fenced in, and no deer have ever been seen inside. 4×8 foot raised beds have been overwintered with lime and straw and are ready for planting. Organic mushroom compost and sterile potting soil (donated by ACE Hardware) are available to enhance your garden for a great start.
For more information on GBTS, visit our Facebook page (click link) (Garden By The Sea – A Community Garden). Click on the link below for more tips on getting your garden ready.
Along with the Galilean Lutheran Church, ACE Hardware, and Ocean Shores Food Bank other sponsors and contributors include:
North Beach Master Gardeners
Levee Lumber
Jodesha Broadcasting
KOSW – Ocean Shores
Valdez and Sage Law Firm
The Dennis Company
Elk Head Tap Room
This article was originally printed in The Ocean Observer, March 2019.