Pollinator Plants of Ocean Shores

I have not seen too many flowers around Ocean Shores.  I cannot remember seeing many bees, butterflies, or other insects (outside of mosquitos) either. Such insect pollinators are necessary to produce most of the plant and food crops we eat, as well as for the flowers we enjoy. We do not grow a lot of […]
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Ocean Shores Vegetables

Spring is on the way. Or at least it is supposed to be. Our weather here can be up and down, but it is definitely not too early to start planning for the new gardening season. I just moved to a place away from the Jetty winds, and I will be building my garden from scratch. This season […]
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While Winter Gardens Sleep, Gardeners Plan

Winter gardens sleep, but they sleep well only if you have prepared them for bed. In Ocean Shores, it never really gets into a cold, deep winter, allowing some gardeners to plan for a winter crop in their vegetable gardens.  When my last harvest is in, I cut off the remaining plants and put them […]
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