Pollinator plants bring the right critters into your garden to move pollen from one plant to another which is absolutely necessary for the formation of flowers and fruits. In other words, for more veggies and a more productive garden, plant flowering pollinators. Even just a few plants will benefit your entire garden! An added benefit […]
Rain, Rain Go Away, Come Again Some Other Day Gardening weather here is somewhat unpredictable, but generally on the cool side, dry in July, August, and September and more than wet the rest of the year. Full on winter in Ocean Shores is really wet. If you follow the Ocean Shores Monthly Rainfall data […]
Life, like our garden, is constantly changing. Each new season brings forth opportunities and challenges but our hope remains the same: ”May the sunshine always fall upon you. May the rains gently bless all you grow. May the seeds you plant grow strong and sturdy to harvest. And may the deer (only) eat the weeds […]
Heaths and Heathers, much like Lavenders, are another great set of plants for Ocean Shores. They are deer and salt resistant, winter hardy, drought tolerant, evergreen, and low maintenance as well. My sister, Renee Huenuqueo-Koval has a great collection, which she started 4 years ago, and I have just planted some in my new front […]
ARG! … Horse Tails!! They’re everywhere! It’s like every enemy or monster I ever thought of or had nightmares about has been spirited into a horsetail “body” and sent to my little plot of Ocean Shores to invade, choke, and destroy every plant or blade of grass that I tried to grow here! @#$%&*!!!! And […]
Adding flower bulbs to our fall gardens provide us a beautiful gift of color when temperatures start to warm in the spring, and often earlier. Also, by selecting different varieties, you can have lasting color throughout the season! Choose healthy bulbs when possible and be sure to find a spot in your yard that gets […]