We are fully into fall. It’s time for the “Shifting of Seasons.” Not really the changing from Summer to Fall. It’s Ocean Shores, after all. We don’t have four real seasons that actually change from one to the next. What we have is a dry, warmer “season” that lasts two — or in good years […]
Fall sneaks its way in here at Ocean Shores as nighttime temps dip into the 40s. It’s still dry though and will generally stay dry through September and sometimes into October. We even have a promise of crisp, sunny, dry fall days. I’m writing this on one of those perfect days that show off the […]
My favorite poem, titled “In Just” by E.E. Cummings is about spring and sums up most springs here in Ocean Shores. It goes: In just – spring when the world is mud – luscious the little lame balloon man – whistles far and wee – and eddy and bill come – running from marbles and […]
By early summer, we typically start to have some unusually hot days in Ocean Shores and other coastal communities. Not only are we not used to this, but our plants are not used to it either. They could definitely use some help from us. The heat causes plant stress on two basic fronts: transpiration (evaporation […]
Garden Carpets Shrubs, trees, spring bulbs and many annual flowers can go in now. The Ocean Shores autumn offers a mild climate, sufficient rains and even a shot of colder temps, all of which favors underground root growth. Most of what you plant now will hold out a promise of spring glory. Not being patient […]
With an average of 60 inches of rain a year (twice Seattle’s rainfall of 30 inches) Ocean Shores is really wet! Until it is not … Remember the last two Januarys and how soaking wet it was? Ocean Shores received 17 inches during those periods. Just consider for a moment what types of plants can […]